Do the littlest gestures make your heart swell? Mine did this week with the simple treasured gift of my grandchildren calling and wanting to "face time" with Nani. My heart literally skipped all afternoon. Their big smiles and excitement about going to a Mariner's game had me giggling with them. They have no idea how much they fill my heart and I am so thankful for each of my seven little grandchildren - each so uniquely created and lovable. I am blessed.
The past few months I have been searching for a new church to call home - and though I am still in a quandary because I have the joy of worshipping along side my son and his bride where they have chosen to attend, I have also found another church that I am growing to love. Both have great teaching - the Good Friday service at one was perhaps the most reflective and beautiful service I have experienced in a very long time. It encompassed worship, prayer, reading the passion of Christ, thoughtful sermon and communion on our knees at the Lord's table. Easter Sunday was full of joy and worshipful songs - arms raised in praise - and a deeply meaningful sermon - and of course shared with my children.
While still in a quandary - the church I found offers a women's Bible study - which I have been wanting try. So many blessings that morning - women who have chosen to be "all in" in their walk of faith - all so welcoming and full of compassion for each other. The speaker choosing to follow what God had not 'let her let go of" all week and speak with confidence about getting out of our comfort zones - not letting them keep us from the work that Christ has for us in His plan. How many ways do to I try and stay where it is comfortable and not have full faith that God is in control and He has great plans for me?
I believe God is growing my heart the desire to know Him so much more intimately than ever before and to serve Him in ways I am not even sure about yet. Reading Ephesians everyday and truly studying His words for us - to be His hands and feet - I look forward to what this will be.
My granddaughter's name is Selah - found in Psalms and means to pause and reflect - this is what God is laying before me - to take time and reflect on Him and what He may have in store for me.
This week one of my sisters will be going under some medical tests and we are all concerned - yet we are collectively trusting God's plan for her and that the results will be hopeful and quickly bring healing or better yet find nothing wrong. What a gift to be able to share our lives - our hopes and fears with a Savior who loves each of us and stands with us as we wait for further news.
This week has also involved working towards promoting my new business - Blossoms and Blessings - marketing is something I am not very adept at but desire to be - because I hope to be able to be that florist for a bride or family member who dreams of having someone come beside her, truly listen and dream along with her about their wedding day. I want this business to be the hands and feet of Christ during a time of anticipation, love and joy without adding any stress.
So, I press on - trusting God to use me as He desires.
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